What scale is Extinction?

Extinction is 28-32mm scale.

How big are the Forces?

The forces may consist of anywhere between 30-100 models. Battle size depends on agreed credit limits and game modes.

I would like to take part in the Playtest!

Perfect, head over to the Play Test tab, download the files and play!

Which factions are playable in the Extinction?

As of now there are 6 playable factions, more will be added very soon. Additionally i have plans to involve at least 20 unique factions.

What size is the gaming area?

I recommend 4’ X 4’ and 6’X 4’ sized tables.

What kind of terrain do I need?

Anything from ruined buildings, low walls, sandbags, destroyed vehicles, trees, flora, alters, statues, trenches, fortifications, cannons etc etc. Although having detailed terrain pieces is very nice, many of us do not own such things. Items such as books, cups, card board boxes will suffice perfectly!

What kind of models do i need to play?

Any! Extinction is miniature agnostic, you may use whatever models you like. Further more there is a scale guide inside the Core Rule Book.

Is Extinction ok for children to play?

Extinction has a lot of dark and mature sets and themes. It is recommended to mature audiences.

Are there any official miniatures?

As of right now, Extinction has just been born, official models do not exist but they may come in the future.

When will the first edition be released?

Extinction is currently in an early access and alpha testing phase. Once the foundations of the game have been solidified we may see the launch of the official first edition.

Are you really the only developer?

Yes i am, although i do work with extremely talented artists to develop official art! This game is a passion project of mine which i want to share with as many people as possible.